TSCM Equipment

View our range of leading edge TSCM equipment.


    The Comet is an RGB Camera Lens detector, that is specifically designed to detect concealed and embedded cameras. This is the essential tool needed to detect clandestine camera lenses. With unique RGB technology, tiny and easy to conceal cameras can be discovered with our added blue light technology which increases the probability of intercept. Comet has an impressive range and excellent optics with a high intensity light spectrum.

  • TSCM Consulting Combo


    The Combo has been tailored to empower the first responder. TSCM Consulting researched, sourced and packaged the sweep equipment to provide a comprehensive, compact, professional and easily transportable range of TSCM sweep equipment, ready for rapid deployment.


    Coming soon.

  • HSA-Q1

    The HSA-Q1 is a compact, fully integrated, portable, RF spectrum analyser, with an user-friendly interface designed specifically for professional countermeasures.

  • PRO-W12DX

    This wideband RF Detector is designed to detect and locate signals from the very latest covert listening, tracking, cellular, and video devices.

  • NLJD EDD 24T

    This Non Linear Junction Detector has been designed to be compact and handheld and is a third harmonic unit. Light weight and powerful, this highly portable electronic device detector, operates in the 2.4 GHz band.

  • WAM X25

    The new WAM X25 is a wireless activity monitor. This leading edge TSCM Equipment introduces exciting new features including comprehensive wifi & bluetooth analysis. The direction finding facility enables you to pinpoint the source of the signal and is programmable to keep pace with the ever changing cellular environment.

  • CAM-GX5

    The CAM-GX5 is a compact hand held activity monitor with worldwide cellular coverage, 5G signal, 2.4GH, 5GHz, WiFi and Bluetooth activity detection.

  • Bloodhound


    A wired microphone detection system.


    Detecting semiconductor circuits such as mobile phones, tracking devices, listening devices, covert cameras, digital voice recorders and SIM cards.